Monday, January 18, 2010

Thakazhi's grandson set for film debut

Doctor turned filmmaker Raj Nair, who is legendary Malayalam writer Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai's grandson, says he is looking forward to the release of 'Punyam Aham', his first full-length feature film.

Nair, who works as a professor in Oral Medicine in Australia, says he is racing against time to tie the last loose ends of his film, which releases Friday.

'All my leave is over and I am on loss of pay because I was here for the shooting of my film and for the post-production five times last year. I am leaving Sunday and before that my film would be released,'.

His first love has always been films and if not for his grandfather, the writer of the award winning 'Chemmeen', he would have headed straight to the film institute in Pune to do a course in cinematography after he graduated in dentistry from Manipal in Karnataka.

Thakazhi was a Jnanpith awardee and the film adaptation of his 'Chemmeen' won the National Award for the best film in 1964.

In 2004, Nair made a feature length docu-drama about his grandmother called 'Kazhchavasthukkal' (The Exhibits). It had garnered critical acclaim and was shown at several places outside the country.

'Punyam Aham' is about a son's journey to learn more about his father and popular actor Prithviraj plays the lead role along with Samvrutha Sunil.

The films also stars veterans like Nedumudi Venu, K.P.A.C. Lalitha and M.R. Gopakumar, among others.

'Punyam Aham' is produced under the banner of Mirabilia Films and the film's music has been composed by Isaac Thomas Kottukappilly.

But why isn't Nair staying on to see the audience's reaction to his film?

'I am of course happy with my film and now it is for others to judge. It is immaterial that I am not here when the film is being released. If it brings in the audience I will be able to know when I check my bank account,' Nair said.

The director added that the film would also be released with English sub-titles and would be screened in Australia as well.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How to Flirt with a Guy

Flirting is friendly, light-hearted fun, and a compliment to one another. Although often a courting ritual, it does not have to be sexual and abounds in business too.

Decide beforehand what you want. Are you flirting with this person for fun, or are you flirting with intent? In other words, do you see this as a fleeting encounter or would you like it to be the start of something more serious?

Sometimes guys misinterpret being friendly with being sexually interested in them. Be aware of this and take care to not mislead.

Anyone can flirt successfully, regardless of your age and looks. If you feel shy or uncomfortable, especially with cute guys, these tips show you how. Try out those which feel comfortable and adapt or ignore those which do not.

Start by making the most of your appearance. It might be shallow, but men are visual creatures, strongly affected by what they see. Do not go overboard by wearing skimpy clothes. If you want to show some skin, expose legs OR boobs, not both. Make sure you and your hair are clean, you smell good, wear light makeup and clothes which flatter your body shape. When you look good, you feel confident and exude positive energy.

Flirting is mostly about attitude. Carrying yourself well with a straight back, relaxed shoulders and tummy pulled in, projects confidence and enhances your appearance by making you look taller and slimmer.

Use body language to seem approachable. If you like someone, face him, sit or stand upright without being stiff, uncross your arms, make lots of eye contact and smile often. A smile showing your teeth and a relaxed face is the simplest way of telling someone you like them.

If you catch someone checking you out from across the room, instead of instinctively glancing away, return his gaze and smile. Lingering eye contact has an amazing effect. A word of caution though; overdo it and you come across as creepy. Hold his gaze for a second or two, turn away with a hint of a smile, then lock eyes again.

When two strangers talk, they stand three or four feet apart with their bodies angled slightly away from each other. When chatting to someone whose company you enjoy, stand a little closer and face him square on. When seated, cross your legs so your knees point towards him, gently swing your foot back and forth in his direction and if your shoes lend themselves to dangling slightly, do so with your swinging foot.

Expose the palms of your hand and inner wrist to him.

Wink at him. Tease him playfully. Even if things are not quite perfect, relax, laugh and have fun. That in itself is seductive.

Get him fired up by challenging him to a competitive something — maybe a game of squash, a bet or anything involving one-on-one activity.

If he is with his friends, chat with them too so he sees you as desirable, but flirt only with him.

Play with your hair while you talk to him. Depending on the style and how long your hair is, run your hands through it, twirl it or tuck it behind your ears.

When chatting with a guy you really like, give him a thrill by glancing at his lips and then the base of his neck before making eye contact again.

If you get the feeling he may be attracted to you, touch him quickly and lightly. It creates intimacy and is easier for the woman to initiate early in the relationship. But do it naturally, for example, brush imaginary fluff off his shoulder, straighten his tie, let your shoulders touch as you both look at something or ride in the elevator, lean forward and casually touch his hand or arm while you chat and laugh, or jokingly shove him.

Be sweet, kind, friendly and positive and do not gossip, whine, continually complain, act tough, be pushy or bitchy. If you feel shy, do not hide it. Guys sometimes like vulnerable.

Having said that, portraying an image of someone you are not, will backfire dismally. Be proud of who you are but if you are pushy, for example, you might want to play it down a tad.

Guys love talking about themselves and find girls interested in them attractive. Ask open-ended questions, listen well, get him to talk about himself by saying, “Gosh, I did not know that,” or something similar which fits your personality and without degrading yourself by acting like an unintelligent bimbo.

Making other people feel important and interesting is key to all human relationships. To some extent everyone is inwardly insecure and you naturally gravitate toward those who take an interest in you.

Intersperse your conversation with snippets of what you think or something about yourself. But refrain from droning on about yourself; it is a huge turnoff. Neither should you share too much too soon.

Pause often to encourage him to speak. Think of conversation as a game of ping-pong where you each take turns hitting the ball. It also gives you a chance to gauge how things are going.

When you talk, speed up or slow down your speech to match his. Radiate charisma by talking confidently and enthusiastically about something he finds interesting or about an experience you shared. Entertaining humor, smiling and laughter is always welcome.

Compliment him without gushing. Be sincere and specific, for example, “I like your shirt, the blue shows off your eyes.” The fact you noticed is flattering to him, without you coming across as needy or desperate.

Accept his compliments gracefully, “Thank you, I like this dress too.”

Remember things he mentions and ask about them later. For example, if he told you about a presentation he has to give, when next you see him, ask him, “How did your presentation go?”

Although guys say they do not like games, they respond to them. Sometimes be unavailable and only return his call the next day. Let him wonder what you were doing. Men are hard-wired to hunt and if he has to chase you down, somehow you seem more valuable and he treats you better.

If you want to step things up, use sexual innuendo in your conversation. Because this is powerful, be careful; you do not want to be called a tease or come across as slutty. Stroking your throat or the stem of a glass or playing with a chain that points down to your cleavage may be equally suggestive, but use your discretion.

Never let him do anything to you which makes you feel uncomfortable.

Constantly watch his reactions and look for clues. If at any time he looks around, angles his body away from you, starts shifting his feet, or seems disinterested in you, back off, politely excuse yourself and move on. There are loads of guys out there.

Practise flirting everywhere: at the gas station, the library, the supermarket, the mall, while waiting in line at Starbucks. Liven up your day by making eye contact and smiling briefly at strangers. Part of flirting is being a good conversationalist, and that skill helps you in every aspect of your life — with your family, friends, boss and potential men in your life.

മകരവിളക്ക് ഇന്ന്

മകരവിളക്ക് ഇന്ന്. മകരസംക്രമദിനത്തില്‍ ധര്‍മ്മശാസ്താവിനെ ദര്‍ശിക്കാനും മകരജ്യോതി കാണുവാനുമായി ലക്ഷങ്ങളാണ് ശബരിമലയില്‍ എത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നത്. തിരുവാഭരണം വഹിച്ചുകൊണ്ടുള്ള ഘോഷയാത്ര ഉച്ചയോടെ പമ്പയില്‍ എത്തും.

പമ്പയിലും സന്നിധാനത്തേക്കുള്ള കാനന പാതകളിലും ഭക്തരെക്കൊണ്ട് നിറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുകയാണ്. തിരക്ക് കണക്കിലെടുത്ത് ഒരു മണിക്കൂര്‍ നേരത്തെ ഇന്ന് നട തുറന്നിരുന്നു. ഉച്ചയ്ക്ക് 12.39 നാണ് മകര സംക്രമ പൂജ. മകരസംക്രമപൂജയ്ക്കും അഭിഷേകത്തിനും ശേഷം ഒരു മണിക്ക് നട അടയ്ക്കും. തുടര്‍ന്ന് വൈകിട്ട് അഞ്ചിന് ദര്‍ശനത്തിനും സന്ധ്യാപൂജയ്ക്കുമായി വീണ്ടും നട തുറക്കും.

ഉച്ചയ്ക്ക് രണ്ടു മണിയോടെ പമ്പാനദി കടന്ന് വലിയാനവട്ടത്ത് എത്തുന്ന തിരുവാഭരണ ഘോഷയാത്ര പമ്പ ദേവസ്വം സ്പെഷ്യല്‍ ഓഫീസര്‍, ജീവനക്കാര്‍ തുടങ്ങിയവര്‍ ചേര്‍ന്ന് സ്വീകരിക്കും. വൈകുന്നേരത്തോടെ ഘോഷയാത്ര സന്നിധാനത്ത് എത്തും. ആറരയ്ക്കാണ് തിരുവാഭരണ വിഭുഷിതനായ അയ്യപ്പന് ദീപാരാധന നടത്തുക. ഈ സമയമാണ് പൊന്നമ്പലമേട്ടില്‍ മകരജ്യോതി തെളിയുന്നതും.

പമ്പയിലും നിലയ്ക്കലും തുടങ്ങി കിലോമീറ്ററുകള്‍ അകലെ വരെ തീര്‍ത്ഥാടകരുടെ വാഹനങ്ങള്‍ നിറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുകയാണ്. ഇതിനിടെ പടക്കങ്ങളുമായി എത്തിയ ഒരു ഭക്തനെ പൊലീസ് പിടികൂടി. സാധാരണ പടക്കങ്ങളാണ് ഇയാളുടെ കയ്യിലുണ്ടായിരുന്നതെന്ന് പൊലീസ് പറഞ്ഞു.

പതിനെട്ടു മണിക്കൂറോളമാണ് ദര്‍ശനത്തിനായി കാത്തുനില്‍ക്കേണ്ടി വരുന്നത്. തിരക്ക് നിയന്ത്രിക്കാന്‍ പൊലീസും നന്നേ പാടുപെടുന്നുണ്ട്.

Eyes reveal what men really want

A man's eyes will tell you if he is looking for a brief fling or a long-term relationship, scientists say.

If he maintains eye contact for long periods, he is thinking of his date as a potential long-term partner.

But if his gaze strays regularly from the face to the body, he is thinking of other - more short-term - things.

The study carried out by Dr Tom Currie of Tokyo University found that faces were far more important than bodies if men were seeking a life partner, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

Psychologist Dr Anthony Little of Stirling University, told the paper: 'If you are looking for long-term relationships you are looking for a friendly, humorous, co-operative pleasant partner - information we all get from faces.

'But when it comes to men and short-term relationships they are not so bothered about whether someone has a nice-looking face, the body becomes a bit more important. They shift their attention.'

The conclusions were drawn from a study of 260 volunteers, equally divided between men and women, who were asked to look at images of models from the opposite sex who were dressed only in their underwear.

They were then asked to rate each model's attractiveness for either a long-term relationship or a fling.

They were first shown separate images of the models' bodies and faces, and asked to rate them individually before rating the complete pictures.

When looking for a long-term relationship, only 20 percent of men gave higher scores to pictures of the bodies than they did to the images of their faces.

However, when asked to rate them for a short-term affair, 40 percent ranked the pictures of their bodies higher than those of their faces.

Solar Eclipse on Jan 15, 2010

According to a post on the site of NASA: 'On Jan 15, an annular eclipse of the sun is visible from within a 300-km-wide track that traverses half of earth. The path of the moon's antumbral shadow begins in Africa and passes through Chad, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, and Somalia.

'After leaving Africa, the path crosses the Indian Ocean where the maximum duration of annularity reaches 11 minutes 8 seconds. The central path then continues into Asia through Bangladesh, India, Burma (Myanmar) and China.'