Monday, March 29, 2010

Indian women getting 'empowered' with direct selling

India's $740-million direct selling industry, where products are sold directly to customers rather than through retail shops, is fast emerging as a viable career option for women, empowering them to earn some decent money from home.

'Most women are raised to believe that they have to be perfect homemakers,' said Chavi Hemanth, secretary general of the Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA), which works to promote this segment of merchandise trade in the country.

'So their psyche becomes such that they do not wish to go beyond the four corners of the house. But direct selling comes handy, as it gives the option to work at the times they prefer and not the regular nine-to-five job,' Hemanth told IANS.

'All direct selling companies also offer opportunities at very minimal investment. They impart professional training and personal development. There is no specific educational bar -- just basic literacy is enough to carve an entity of your own.'

Little wonder direct selling has emerged as a woman-friendly field, with 1.22 million becoming a part of the industry in India. The turnover, excluding that from insurance premia, is expected to cross the $1-billion mark in the next two years.

That's also the reason why several global players in the business such as Amway, Avon, Tupperware and Oriflame have already entered India even as scores of others have set their eyes on the market here.

'It is not at all bad to sit at home and earn. This way I can spend time with my growing daughter,' said Anjali Dhingra, a post-graduate in English and a mother of an eight-year-old daughter, who became a distributor for Tupperware two years ago.

'I live in a nuclear family and cannot run away from responsibilities. I also have to support my husband and share the financial burden. So, I find this easier and profitable,' she added.

'Since Tupperware is all about products used in the kitchen, at home and the like, it was very easy for me to sell it to my relatives. Then with time, I developed more contacts sitting at home.'

Seema Sisodiya, whose husband lost his job during the slowdown last year, also has a similar story to share and considers herself lucky that she became a distributor for Amway, given the difficult circumstances she had to endure.

'On the one hand, my husband lost his job and, on the other, rising prices of essentials were sucking out our savings. At that time I also could not manage to get a job. But this distributorship of Amway has helped us earn our bread -- and some butter.'

At the core of direct selling is to make entrepreneurs and give flexibility of time to work, said Hemanth. 'Many women today choose to be homemakers. But they also look for some other opportunities to use their skills, time and knowledge,' she adds.

That's why many direct selling companies mainly promote women as consultants. In Amway's case, for example, there are as many as 550,000 active distributors, and around 62 percent of them are women.

'At Amway, one can become a business owner with low investment and also low risk. It is an equal opportunity business which anyone can start with an investment of Rs.995,' said Amway India chief executive William S. Pinckney.

According to the industry association, which recently conducted a survey on the industry along with global consultancy Ernst and Young, a 5-10 percent annual growth rate is expected over the next few years, driven by the Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities.

'India stands 11th overall among the top 25 countries worldwide in the number of sales consultants present within the direct selling network, and 23rd in terms of the revenue generated through direct selling,' said the survey.

'An increased focus on new and emerging product categories and growth in depth and breadth of distribution, along with improved productivity of the sales consultant network, will help to boost the growth of this industry,' it said.

(Sakshi Gulati can be reached at and

Sakshi Gulati

Yahoo! Search

Thursday, March 11, 2010

10 Signs it's time to quit

How many times a day do you say to yourself, "I like what I do, but not where I work?" Or the opposite, "I like where I work, but not what I do?"
The current economy has kept many employees stationed for the past couple of years, not because they love what they do -- but because they are too scared to pursue other opportunities. But many employees feel disengaged from their jobs and don't know what to do. So should you continue to stay in a job where you are unhappy? Or start looking for somewhere where you'll be happier?
People quit their jobs for many reasons. Maybe you don't like your co-workers or your boss drives you crazy. Maybe there's nowhere for you to move up in the company. Maybe you're overworked and underpaid. Maybe you're all of the above.
While the choice to move on to greener pastures is up to you, here are 10 signs that should tell you if it's time to start thinking about moving on:
1. Your co-workers drive you crazy.Co-workers can be a curse or a blessing in the workplace. When you work with people you love, it's one thing. But how are you supposed to get any work done when your colleagues are irritating you, offending you, distracting you, coming in late, leaving early, talking loudly on the phone, procrastinating or coming to your desk to gossip? If you find that you want to tear your hair out at the end of each day because of your colleagues, it might be time to look for more tolerable people.
2. You hate going to work.When Sunday night rolls around, are you dreading going into the office the next morning? As soon as you arrive on Monday morning, are you already thinking about Friday at 5 p.m.? Aall of us have had to go to a job that we hate at least once, and if you haven't -- you're the exception, not the rule (not to mention extremely lucky). When you're spending 40+ hours at work, the last thing you want is to hate every second you're there. If you do, it might be time to start thinking about your next career move.
3. You're bored.Most people like to feel challenged at work. If your work has started to seem too easy or repetitive, it's a sign that you need more responsibility or extra a change in roles. But, don't confuse boredom with slacking off. There's a vast difference between watching YouTube videos all day long with work piling up next to you and watching YouTube videos all day long because you've completed all there is to do.
4. The company -- or your job -- is in trouble.It's no secret that many companies are still struggling as a result of the economy. There continue to be layoffs and budget cuts. While we don't suggest quitting your job in a panic without having some sort of plan as to what your next step is, we do think you should pay attention to what's going on at your company. If you're concerned about the state of your job or the company, approach your manager with any concerns before taking other actions.
5. You don't feel at home.Sometimes we forget how important it is to feel comfortable at work -- that is, until we don't. If competition seems far from friendly, your colleagues steal your ideas, your ethics or values conflict with the company, or even if your casual style clashes with the buttoned-up policies of management, you might try to find a company where you feel more at home.
6. You can't stand your boss.Just because someone is a manager or boss doesn't give him free reign to be stupid. Whether you realize it or not, your relationship with your boss has a huge impact on your overall professional happiness and success. After all, even the best job can be terrible if your boss is lousy. If you don't see eye-to-eye or your manager is untrustworthy or unwilling to help you succeed, it might be time to look for a new job -- with a new supervisor.
7. Your career is at a standstill.Maybe you've been doing the same job for several years and you're ready for more responsibility. Maybe you've lost your passion for what you used to love. Maybe you work at a company where there's no other role for you than the one you're currently in. Start by talking to your boss about taking on more work, or trying different tasks. Express to him or her that you want to continue to develop your skills and reach your goals. If no alternatives are available, it might be time to start looking around.
8. You're not valued.Recognition is important -- you need to feel as though you're making a contribution and like other people will give you credit for your successes. Is your company doing anything to reward your efforts? Do you get bonuses, perks or positive feedback? If your boss has never heard of positive reinforcement, it might be time to find a company that will value your talent.
9. Your work environment sucks.State of the economy aside, every job and every company experiences highs and lows. It doesn't take a psychiatrist to know that working in place with negative energy or low morale is draining on even the happiest soul. If you find that you're always feeling stressed out, depressed or having a negative attitude, it might be time to explore more positive options.
10. You're exhausted.Everyone says they're stressed. But some people are really stressed. Too many projects and not enough help equal a heavy workload and job burnout. We don't advise quitting when the going gets tough once in a while -- let's be honest, everyone has to take one for the team at some point. But, if there's no end or reprieve in sight, do yourself (and your sanity) a favour and see what else is out there